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Monday, July 9, 2012

Organising our Life

I have been inspired (again...) to reorgnise our house.
I love that organised feeling but rarely come across it.
After stumbling across this post I thought 'I can do this! Baby steps is the key..."
So the first step, seeing as it is the easiest in my mind, is to organise our meals and my shelves of cookbooks.
I am going to start by down sizing my library of books and keep only those I actually use.
As a chronic cookbook collector we may end up with quite a pile going to new homes!

Here is what I think my actions will be (find my inspiration here):

  1. Make a list of meals/snacks/desserts etc that I actually bake or cook and where to find the recipe.
  2. Compile a roster of dinners for a month (maybe 1 week for a fortnight?)
  3. Compile a list of ALL ingredients needed for each week of recipes so shopping is easier.
  4. File it in ONE folder.
Sounds incredibly organised for me but I'm strangley excited about it! 
Maybe there is a truly organised person hiding way, WAY down inside.
We'll see how it goes...

Until next time,

Monday, May 28, 2012

Another Winter Warmer

Here is a fabulous post from Nic at Mary and Lil 


Chicken mince is going on my shopping list...
Another great recipe pandering to my carb addiction.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Winter Warmer

It is definitely approaching winter here.
Today's forecast was wet and dreary.
So... what better way to end such a day than with soup and crusty bread!

I'm Back

My last post featured a very LARGE version of me.

I am now smaller (although not as small as before!)

A beautiful little bundle has made his way into our lives.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Delightful DIY

Since my last blog (Many many months ago!!!), there has been a number of changes in our house...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Delightful DIY

Oh My Goodness!
I can't believe I haven't seen this DIY before!
This has got to be the easiest DIY/Up-styling of a skirt I have ever seen and the end product is just devine!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Eye Candy

Here is a little mish mash of eye candy I have come across lately... xo
  Alannah Hill
 Alannah Hill
 Emma Watson in Oscar de la Renta
 Alex Perry
Cotton On


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